
Overview of Teaching and Research Resources

Teacher Community

Application announcements are released at the beginning of each semester. Each community group can receive a subsidy of up to NT$30,000 per semester, which depends on the annual budget.

專業成長補助Professional Development Subsidy

Support teachers of transportation and registration fees for participating external training related to teaching. The annual subsidy limit is NT$15,000, and multiple applications are allowed within this limit.

創新與特色教學Innovative and Special Teaching

Limitation of the amount for one course is NT$30,000. Funding can be used for work-study assistantships, transportation, lecturer fees, printing, and course material expenses.

教師增能活動Faculty Empowerment Activity

每學期舉辦各項教師增能活動與講座,教師也可主動提出有需求的主題,教師專業組將匯整意見於下學期進行調整。Various faculty empowerment activities and workshops are held every semester. Teachers can also take the initiative to raise topics of demand. The Professional Development Committee will consolidate requests and make adjustments in the next semester.

Teacher Mentoring Program

Mentoring involves experienced or senior teachers as “Mentors” guiding “Mentees” to facilitate knowledge exchange and experience sharing.

Mentors: Must be senior professors with full-time appointments at domestic or international universities, prioritizing those who have received teaching or research awards or been recommended for their expertise. Each mentor is generally responsible for one to three mentees.

2.一般校內專任教師及與教師同職級之研究人員得依其實際需求申請傳習。Eligibility: Regular full-time faculty and researchers at equivalent levels may apply for mentoring program based on their specific needs.

Funding Guidelines

  • 預算編列上限為9000元,預算項目僅可編列科目為交通費及諮詢費。Budget Limit: 9,000 TWD, covering only transportation and consulting fees.
  • 交通費: 僅提供講者及專家補助,單人申請上限為3000元。
    Transportation: Available only for speakers and experts, with a limit of 3,000 TWD per individual.
  • 諮詢費:校外2000元/次,志業體同仁1000元/次,每案最多3次。Consulting Fees: 2,000 TWD per session for external consultants, 1,000 TWD per session for internal staff, with a maximum of three sessions per case.

課室觀察Classroom Observation

教學年資3年內之新進講師、助理教授得參與一次課室觀察,教師專業組補助其審查委員之審查費、拍攝及影片剪輯工讀。New instructors and assistant professors can participate in one classroom observation during their first three years. The Professional Development Committee will subsidize the review, recording, and video editing fees of the reviewing committee members.

PBL教案/一般教案獎勵PBL/General Lesson Plan Rewards

Reward criteria are based on the number of units and course hours used. According to the degree of integration of majors and teaching plans, they are divided into:

Basic Lesson Plan: 400 TWD per hour.
Integrated Lesson Plan (two different disciplines): 800 TWD per hour.
Multi-disciplinary Integrated Lesson Plan (three or more disciplines): 1,200 TWD per hour.


分類: 教學/研究資源一覽。這篇內容的永久連結